Daupler Features     |     Daupler Engage

Build customer trust

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Customer engagement graphic with phone screen containing status, description, and photo
Create transparency
With Daupler Engage, customers can opt in to receive updates about their incident. They will receive a link to their incident report, including the name and photo of the main contact person working their issue. They can also track the progress of their incident just as they would track the status of a delivery.
Enable two-way communications
Daupler Engage allows customers to review incident information and add details to better inform response crews. Helpful information from customers may include address corrections, situational updates, and photos of the issue. Some customers even choose to add notes of gratitude, which can boost team morale.
Graphic of 2-way communications between customer and crew member
Daupler Engage product sheet cover
Download Product Sheet
Review the Daupler Engage product sheet to learn more about the benefits of this solution and how it works.
A large blue quotation mark graphic
“From a customer perspective, when they make a call, they want to make sure that the utility is responding to the call. With Daupler, they can receive the most up to date information and know that the crew is just down the street.”

Discover how Daupler can help increase trust with customers.

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