Solutions     |     Sewer

Response management solutions for wastewater utilities

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Simplify on-call response    
Daupler RMS helps after-hours calls takers determine when a call should be dispatched and when the response can wait until the next business day. If the call is dispatched, the on-call person can review details from their mobile phone, call the customer back with a single click, and determine how to respond without reporting to a worksite.
Reduce response times    
Automated roster callouts reduce the time it takes to assemble an incident response crew – in some cases by over 80 percent. Spatial dispatch identifies the closest crew members which further accelerates the process. This can be particularly helpful in scenarios where response compliance is mandated by consent order.
Minimize customer callbacks
When customers can track the status of their service issue online, they are less likely to call back. This reduces the demand on customer service representatives and allows crews to focus on fixing the problem. Customers can also upload photos and notes to provide the response team with more information about the issue.
Streamline incident documentation
Daupler RMS automatically documents each step in the response process. This creates an objective audit trail of the response and reduces the need for crew members to manually enter data. It also integrates with your other systems, such as a CMMS, minimizing the need for duplicate data entry.

Related Goals

What do you want to achieve for your community?

Municipalities, special districts, and others providing sewer and wastewater services use Daupler for a number of reasons. What are your goals?

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Accelerate dispatch

Eliminate dispatch delays and inefficiencies. Daupler helps your team collect the right information from customers, share that information with the right crew members, and automate callouts and documentation.

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Manage after-hours calls

After-hours calls can mean the on-call person in smaller organizations and communities never gets to truly disconnect. Daupler’s call centers can take these calls, send on the ones that need immediate attention, and document the rest for the next day.

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Centralize data

Many utilities and public works agencies are overwhelmed with data. Daupler RMS interfaces with multiple information systems to help identify when and where issues are occurring, and whom they’re impacting.

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Save money

Organizations often allocate significant funds for overtime but have a hard time auditing or reducing overtime spend. Daupler RMS increases visibility into incident resource management and reduces unnecessary callouts.

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“We've been using Daupler for our sewer emergencies since 2016. During a 7-inch rain event we received over 100 sewer calls in less than 12 hours. I don't know what we would have done without Daupler to help us manage our emergency calls.”

Learn more about our
solutions for wastewater utilities.