Solutions     |     Smaller Org

Response solutions for smaller organizations

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Simplify documentation
Daupler's response management system, Daupler RMS, makes it easy to document customer requests and share that information with those who need it. It also automates some response documentation, reducing the need for manual data entry.
Reduce direct after-hours calls
Many city and utility leaders in small organizations receive direct calls after-hours. Let Daupler manage those evening, weekend, and holiday calls. We’ll send you only those that truly need to be addressed immediately based on your response protocols.
Pay for what you need
Daupler offers flexible and affordable plans. Select the features or services that provide the most value for your organization and customers. There is no need to pay for features your organization will not use.
Daupler white paper cover

Featured white paper

Response management for
smaller organizations

Download our short white paper on how response management systems can help smaller organizations.

Related Goals

How can you help your community?

Many smaller organizations use Daupler to give on-call personnel a break after-hours and to make data management more efficient.

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Manage after-hours calls

After-hours calls can mean the on-call person in smaller organizations and communities never gets to truly disconnect. Daupler’s call centers can take these calls, send on the ones that need immediate attention, and document the rest for the next day.

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Centralize data

Many utilities and public works agencies are overwhelmed with data. Daupler RMS interfaces with multiple information systems to help identify when and where issues are occurring, and whom they’re impacting.

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“I love it, it’s a great archive for the after-hours calls that we have. Previously we were relying on documentation from our employees and trust me this is a lot better system.”

Learn more about our solutions

We know the last thing you need is something over-engineered or over-priced for your needs. Schedule a time to talk so we can understand your specific pain points and how Daupler might work for your organization.

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