About Daupler RMS

Eliminate inefficiencies and unnecessary costs from your response processes.

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Why use Daupler RMS?

Daupler’s response management system offers a wide range of benefits for organizations of all types and sizes. Specific needs vary, but these are some of the most common customer use cases.

More efficient dispatch
Daupler RMS analyzes incoming data to expedite and prioritize dispatch decisions. The platform classifies incidents using established criteria to determine which issues need immediate attention and which issues can be addressed during normal service schedules. This prevents unnecessary callouts and overtime while optimizing the use of internal response resources. Automated data collection and analysis provide crews with all the information needed for an immediate response when urgency is required.
Faster, safer response
Daupler RMS automates roster callouts and escalation trees. It prevents duplicate calls from being dispatched and can identify the closest crew to an issue. The platform  automatically documents crew acknowledgement, arrival, and departure times so crew status and location are known. Additionally, site problems are identified more quickly and safety measures can be taken sooner if crews have not checked in within a set period of time.
After-hours call management
Daupler offers after-hours answering services and management tools to ensure your organization can efficiently manage incidents occurring outside of regular business hours. Whether your after-hours calls are currently going to a dispatch center, an on-call person, or voicemail, Daupler offers options to enhance your after-hours service.
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What is an RMS? 

Download this brief tip sheet to learn the key features of a response management system.

The Daupler Response Management System

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Daupler AI
Daupler AI is the foundation of Daupler RMS. This proprietary technology allows organizations to gather valuable insights from incident data while empowering staff and customers with web-based tools that make it easier to gather and share critical information. Daupler AI results in more efficient call management, dispatch, response coordination, and incident documentation.
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Daupler Answering
Many organizations use Daupler’s reliable answering service to manage after-hours or overflow calls. Daupler teams are trained in utilities and public services, so they can seamlessly serve as an extension of staff outside of regular operating hours.
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Daupler Callout
Daupler Callout automates roster callouts to ensure on-call staff are contacted at the right time and in the right order. Daupler Callout enables quick and easy crew assembly once schedules, skills, and escalation trees are saved in Daupler’s platform.
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Daupler Engage
Daupler Engage enables customers to send photos and detailed incident reports using a mobile app, web portal, or text message. It also allows customers to track response progress.
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Daupler Notify
Daupler’s mass notification solution facilitates efficient and accurate communication with customers for a flat fee during planned maintenance or emergency incidents.
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Event Detection
Event Detection facilitates a coordinated response when multiple calls or alarms are related to one incident. It reduces duplicate dispatches and allows callers to opt in to receive status updates related to ongoing response efforts.
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Daupler Analytics
Daupler’s analytics module takes the data from Daupler RMS and turns it into powerful insights. Incident heat maps help with maintenance planning, and team metrics identifies potential coaching opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does Daupler RMS cost?

The cost of Daupler RMS is based on organization size, your customer or population base, and the modules selected. Daupler offers affordable options to get started.

How hard is it to implement Daupler?

Daupler implementation is intentionally straightforward, because we know this is a common pain point for software deployment. We work closely with your team to configure the system to meet your needs, and a dedicated client success manager ensures your team gets up and running fast.

Do we need special hardware to use Daupler?

No. Daupler is a software-as-a-service, so there is no physical equipment necessary. The platform can be accessed from any standard smartphone, tablet, laptop, or PC.

What kind of support would we get with Daupler RMS?

In addition to a dedicated client success manager, we offer 24x7x365 technical support to ensure your success.

How is Daupler RMS different from a work order system?

Work order systems are valuable for tracking scheduled and completed work. Daupler RMS provides functionality above and beyond work order tracking. It analyzes data from customers and infrastructure inputs to determine when work needs to be done and which personnel resources need to be deployed. It provides tools to accelerate the response process, including automation of incident creation and documentation, as well as callouts and escalation trees. The platform detects duplicate reports to prevent duplicate dispatch calls, and the communication tools allow organizations to engage customers about service requests and emergency incidents. It can integrate with your work order system to streamline the documentation process.

How is Daupler RMS different from a citizen request system?

The customer engagement tools within Daupler provide enhanced citizen request functionality. Unlike many other systems, Daupler RMS processes citizen or customer inputs and turns them into actionable data using its proprietary AI technology. By layering sophisticated data analysis tools on top of the captured information, Daupler Engage makes it easy for staff to contact the right people at the right time during response efforts. The platform also offers a suite of tools to facilitate and document response efforts.

See how Daupler RMS can solve your response challenges.

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