Solutions     |     Accelerate Dispatch

Accelerate dispatch with Daupler response management solutions

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Eliminate manual calling
Daupler RMS includes an automated roster callout feature to simplify team formation. Create roles, skills, schedules, and escalation trees within the platform. Then automatically contact on-call personnel and form crews as needed with the click of a button.
Prepare crews with better information
Daupler RMS helps call takers collect the right information and categorizes it by type and severity. This helps get the right information to the right team. Crew members can access all incident information easily from their phones.
Dispatch crews more efficiently
One key piece of information collected in Daupler RMS includes the address with a link to a map and a photo of the site. No more having to write information down and having details get lost in translation. If it is a customer request, the customer can also review address information online and make corrections if needed.
Consolidate duplicate requests
We frequently hear that crew members can’t get their work done during high impact events because of all the repeat calls they receive. Daupler RMS Event Detection identifies events impacting multiple people and prevents repeat calls from being dispatched.
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“We don’t have to sit on the phone and write down anything. Daupler sends the information and address. You hit a button and make a service request for it, and it’s dispatched to the crew. It’s a lot better.”

Do you have dispatch pain points?

We’d love to have a quick conversation to understand your dispatch challenges, and to get your feedback on our system.