Solutions     |     Manage After Hours dispatch

Dispatch after-hours calls that need attention. Save the rest for later.

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Dispatch only when necessary
Daupler RMS provides tools to help call takers know when to dispatch a service request immediately and when to put it in queue for the next business day. The platform also helps to ensure the right information gets to the right place, so on-call personnel have the information they need when a call is dispatched.
Offload responsibility for after-hours dispatch          
Daupler’s call center teams are trained to take calls on behalf of utilities and a broad range of service providers. They are available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, including holidays. Daupler’s call centers can also be used for high-volume daytime incidents.
Save money
Reduce overtime costs by reducing unnecessary callouts. When a crew needs to be dispatched, eliminate delays by giving them all the information they need to prepare for and respond to an issue efficiently.
Document incidents comprehensively    
Daupler RMS automatically documents all calls, not just those that require dispatch. This gives you a comprehensive view into after-hours call activity and creates a complete record for staff who manage response during regular business hours.
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"The ability to have the calls screened has reduced the number of calls. We have a methodology to track the number of after-hours calls we receive, and the ability to keep track of how many hours the guys are actually spending in the field—nights and weekends.  Generally, really pleased with the system."

Learn how Daupler can help you with your  after-hours dispatch