Daupler Features     |     Daupler Event Detection

Manage related calls and alerts efficiently

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Simplify incident documentation
When Daupler AI detects related calls and alarms, it creates a single event. The system continues to capture incoming incident information but prevents additional dispatches. This allows crews to focus on the issue and minimizes paperwork by consolidating related tickets and work orders.
Improve customer communication    
Daupler Event Detection enables service providers to easily create automated messages to confirm an incident has been reported and allow customers to opt in for response updates. By minimizing call times and volumes, customer satisfaction is improved and demand on internal resources is reduced.          
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Learn more about the benefits and features of Daupler's Event Detection solution.
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“From a customer perspective, when they make a call, they want to make sure that the utility is responding to the call. With Daupler, they can receive the most up-to-date information and know that the crew is just down the street.”

Discover how Daupler can help during large events.

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